Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Resume Writing Tip #3 - Customize your resume for every company

Ok, so you have made the decision to post a resume and have created one. But should you use the same resume for every application?

You should spend the extra time and customize your resume for each application. Just like you should customize your cover letter.  These customizations are not re-writing your resume, rather just highlighting and ordering what is important for the people at the company to see.

For example, say you know that company A uses Windows Server and not Linux. You  are competent at both, but your Linux skills are not likely to increase your hiring potential. So you want to demonstrate your Windows knowledge towards the top of the resume, and maybe mention Linux at the bottom just so they know you are well rounded. If you focused on Linux at the top of you resume, your resume might wind up at the top of the garbage can!

Applying for a job is similar to persuasion, and follows many of the same rules. For example, when a child wants a computer, they say "Can I have a computer?". When an employee wants a new computer they might frame it more towards the other person. For example, "A new computer would allow me to work twice as fast and get a lot more done", The same thing apply for getting a job, you need to tell the hiring person not "I want the job", rather the benefits to them if you get the job.

And one way to do this is customize your resume to let them know what you can do for them. Generic resumes are not targeted, and won't grab their attention like one that has been customized. It's not hard, just takes a few more minutes and it gives you the advantage.

The Jobvertise Team

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