Saturday, April 12, 2014

Fight the 3 Types of Burnout That Get in the Way When You Try to Find a Job

It takes hard work to find a job so you have to sweep any feelings of burnout out of your way. Psychologists have identified at least 3 forms of inertia that could hold you back from finding and thriving in a new position.

In a study of university workers, researchers saw the potential to use targeted solutions to help people overcome habits that undermine their careers. See where you may fit in:

Overload subtype: Maybe you are the type who pushes yourself to exhaustion. You apply for hundreds of jobs a month, network relentlessly, and neglect other areas of your life. These same qualities may also make you prone to complaining and building up resentments. Try building more down time into your schedule. Exercise regularly and find ways to relax like meditating or taking a walk. Reach out to people who can provide encouragement and moral support.

Boredom subtype: On the other hand, you may be tired of rejection letters. Now you are spending more time playing video games than looking for work. Fight growing cynicism by doing volunteer work and remembering the things you are grateful for. Set new goals like sending out 3 applications a week and give yourself a reward for completing tasks.

Worn-out subtype: If you have clear goals but struggle to stay motivated, you may need additional techniques for dealing with stress. Identify the major barriers in your job hunt and how you can deal with them. Try to think more flexibly.

Whether you’re feeling down because your job search is stuck or you’re currently in a position that leaves you feeling drained by the time you get home, don’t let burnout stand between you and your next opportunity.

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