Looking for work-at-home jobs is work. It's not going to come at your front door. In fact it's harder to find a legit work-at-home opportunity than a job because there are so many scammers. Type in a career and the words "work-at-home" for results. Companies will also hire people directly just for work at home jobs. Another option is to go to job websites and look for your career followed by one of these three words "work-at-home," "freelance" and "telecommute." Tons will pop up; you'll have to weed out the scammers from the legit jobs. It won't be easy. Some will be obvious (upfront payment, the runaround to collect payment, etc) while others are hard to pinpoint. In that case you will have to work for them (trial and error) until cashing in your first payment to see if they are scammers. What job seekers must do is research. Research the company, read online reviews and trust your instincts. Payment methods should be clear as glass; commission based, hourly, lump sum, part-time or salary.
When you're ready to apply, go for it. Follow their instructions. Some companies will want samples of your work; others want a resume and cover letter. Keep track of where you applied. Depending on the company and industry you will either get a response saying you got the job or be selected for an interview. Interviewees need to be prepared. Some interviews are in person or on the phone while others are online using Skype, instant messaging, email or an online interview system.
Be prepared to be flexible and patient in the work-at-home business. Unless you work for a company that hires work-at-home employees, you are better off working for more than one company to make a decent living. Combine a few part-time work jobs or work freelance for a better chance of finding legit work. Patience is required because the majority of the time is spent weeding through scams. Here are the main jobs that have work-at-home opportunities.
- virtual assistant
- call center rep
- tech support
- medical transcriptionist
- online tutor
- writer
- editor
- translator
- web designer
- computer programmer
- teacher
- travel agent