Friday, May 9, 2014

Want To Find a Job? Market Yourself

In the current environment, finding any job is a challenge. Landing your ideal job is even more difficult because jobs are just not all that plentiful right now.  In any jobs environment, a fundamental key to your search is whether you're marketed to, or you market to. Let me explain.

If you're doing things like leafing through help wanted ads in newspapers, scrolling through online job boards, or searching craigslist type job listings online, you're being marketed to. The challenge you face with this approach is you're in competition with dozens or even hundreds of other people who want the same job.

This kind of activity is analogous to consumers who want to buy the hottest toy of the current Christmas season for their child. There always seems to be a limited quantity of those toys available, and a seemingly unlimited number of people who want one. It would be easier if you could just reserve one of those toys for yourself before they're made available to the general public, right? Well, I'm sure there are ways you could do that, but I won't go into that here. After all, we're talking about landing a job, not buying a toy.

Just like with the toy analogy, wouldn't it be easier if you could somehow apply for your ideal job before any other potential candidates even know the opening exists? Of course it would, and that's where the idea of "marketing to" comes into play. When you're marketing to, you are in control of the job search situation.

The process of marketing to simply involves marketing yourself as a candidate for employment. This is where you have to apply some creativity. Carefully ponder this question: "How can I find job openings that haven't been publicized yet?" Pondering this question should spur all kinds of unique ideas if you allow yourself to think outside the box a little. Clearly, this will be easier for some than others, but with some time and effort, anyone can come up with a few viable ideas. The next step is simply to identify the best idea or ideas, then implement them.

Here's an example, just to help get your creative juices flowing:

I once read about an individual who was a marketing manager at a newspaper. When she heard that her position was being eliminated, she offered a cash reward on LinkedIn for help in securing a new position. Of course, lots of people use LinkedIn to search for employment, but she generated a lot of buzz around herself by using it just a little bit more creatively than everyone else.

Maybe you could try a variation of this idea, or maybe you'll think of some other unique way to market yourself. Whatever you end up doing, you're bound to enhance your chances of landing that job, and that's the whole point.

Does all this mean you should discontinue your current job search efforts? Of course not. After all, you never really know where you'll find that golden job opportunity. But by incorporating some more proactive job search ideas, you'll increase your odds tremendously.
For more job search tips and ideas, contact us today.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Searching for the Right Temp Agency

Looking for accountants? There's an agency for that.  Looking for IT work?  There's an agency for that.  There's an agency for every line of work.  With so many to choose from how do you know which one is going work for you?  Job seekers must find the right agency.  Search for a temporary agency with the following in mind.
  • There are three main types of staffing agencies: temporary/contract, temp-to-hire/temp-to-perm and direct hire/permanent.  Choose one of these types and look for agencies that offer it. 
  • What kind of work opportunities interests you?  There is clerical/office, technical/scientific, industrial, health care, managerial and professional (accountants, law staff and advertising/marketing).  You will have to choose one or two you're most interested in.  Find agencies that carry those industries.
  • Where do you want to work? Location matters.  Choose an agency in your area.  If you are planning to more to another area, choose an agency in the new location. 
By now, the agencies are down to a handful (maybe more).  Evaluate your skills.  What do you possess in education, work history and through life? Be specific and write them down. Write down personality, interests, certifications, tests taken, and values.  Research those staffing firms online.  Talk to them over the phone.  Meet them in person.  Pay attention to how you feel during the process.  Inform them of the ideal work schedule and the type of work you're after.  Ask about their payment rates, benefits, experience in the industry, how they charge and testing for the right job fit. Narrow down the field some more.  If you feel good about the firm, apply there.  Apply to more than one in case the agency ends up not working out.  See how it goes.

Patience is a virtue with staffing agencies.  It's going to take time to find work that suits your needs.  Check in with staffing agencies weekly and ask about the job hunt.  Let them know about your interest in working, then give them space until the next week.  If nothing is happening for a long time it's time to cut them loose.  Focus on the agencies that are working hard to find employment for you.
The reason why many people don't use a temporary agency is that it's not a match.  Those bad experiences drive people away, and make people think all agencies are just like that one.  It shouldn't.  The truth is there's not enough effort placed in finding good employment agencies.  Working in a staffing agency is a hidden gem that takes research, trial and error.  If we have the energy to hunt for work, we can put the same energy in finding a good employment agency.

Your employment is valuable; it's going to be the job that pays the bills, buys food and takes care of you.  Search for job agencies like you would search for a realtor, plumber or electrician.  Contact us for more information.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Keep a Record of Already-Applied Job Openings

We are always looking for new job opportunities.  The way we start searching for work needs to change.  Many people start placing applications everywhere.  If a company representative calls for a job interview the last thing you want to say is "what did I apply for?"  Being organized during the job hunt will keep us on our toes.  Technology is making it easy to stay systemized.  Keep a record of every job we go after.

Another reason why recording job openings is vital is prevention.  We have a habit of sending resumes through social media, email, fax and company websites that we forget where we applied to.  This forgetfulness will have us applying to the same job more than once.  Applying to the same job more than once is a bad idea.  The company is aware of you; if they weren't interested in you the first time, the second, third and fourth time will not change their mind.  The company also gets the impression that you are desperate.

Our minds isn't going to remember everything, so record as much information about the job as possible.  List company name, address, contact information, job listings, job description, how you applied to job opening, if you get an interview and additional notes of importance.
Now, onto the record-keeping:
  1. Create a chart manually.  Use word processing or spreadsheet software to manually create a job seeker chart.  Include the information above as headers.  Fill it out and save it.  Save it to your computer or mobile phone.  Create a backup copy on flash drives, cloud software or email it to yourself.  An option is to print out a hard copy of the information.  You can store them in dividers, manila folders, envelopes or other filing accessory. 
  2. Create a profile on job sites.  In addition to searching for jobs on their website, you can create a profile too.  The profile will keep up with the jobs so you don't have to.  Apply for jobs using the provided information and retrieve the information when a job interview arises.  Monster, CareerBuilder, Dice and SimplyHired are examples of this. 
  3. Pay for job seeker web software.  If you're willing to pay some cash for coordination, you can find websites that will keep you organized.  Fill out information using their website and it does the rest.  It keep track of contacts, keep information categorized and offer many features to play with.
We all need work.  We have bills to pay, food to buy and people to take care of.  If we remain organized (no matter how disorganized our brains are) we will be one step closer to finding employment.  Contact us for more information.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Study Says Nonconformity May Help When You Reply to Job Listings

What do red sneakers have to do with responding to job listings? A recent study suggests that nonconformity can help your job search but only under very specific conditions.

To test out the premise that dressing down could increase social status, researchers did a number of experiments. In one scenario, a woman posed as a consultant at a seminar at Harvard Business School. When she wore red sneakers, the corporate executives she was instructing assumed she charged higher fees and had more prestigious clients.

The conclusion was that violating the dress code or other norms may give you an edge as long as people believe you already have enough clout to break the rules, you’re in a situation where there are clear rules, and your conduct is seen as deliberate.

Even if you’re going to keep wearing your best suit to your next interview, there are other ways to make a little individualism work for you:

Divulge some personal information. Regard small talk as an important part of the process. In a crowded field of applicants, employers will be more likely to remember you if you mention something distinctive. It’s even better if the details are designed to illustrate qualities important for the position.

Brag gracefully. In most settings, you probably feel conditioned to avoid crowing about your accomplishments. When you have limited time at a job interview, you need to be able to talk about your strengths directly and comfortably. Rehearse until you get it down right.

Accessorize tastefully. As this study shows, appearances matter. Invest in a signature piece that makes you feel like a winner. It could be flattering eyeglass frames or a vintage brooch.
Energize your job search with Jobvertise. Contact us to post your resume free, receive job alerts, and get your free resume web page.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Fight the 3 Types of Burnout That Get in the Way When You Try to Find a Job

It takes hard work to find a job so you have to sweep any feelings of burnout out of your way. Psychologists have identified at least 3 forms of inertia that could hold you back from finding and thriving in a new position.

In a study of university workers, researchers saw the potential to use targeted solutions to help people overcome habits that undermine their careers. See where you may fit in:

Overload subtype: Maybe you are the type who pushes yourself to exhaustion. You apply for hundreds of jobs a month, network relentlessly, and neglect other areas of your life. These same qualities may also make you prone to complaining and building up resentments. Try building more down time into your schedule. Exercise regularly and find ways to relax like meditating or taking a walk. Reach out to people who can provide encouragement and moral support.

Boredom subtype: On the other hand, you may be tired of rejection letters. Now you are spending more time playing video games than looking for work. Fight growing cynicism by doing volunteer work and remembering the things you are grateful for. Set new goals like sending out 3 applications a week and give yourself a reward for completing tasks.

Worn-out subtype: If you have clear goals but struggle to stay motivated, you may need additional techniques for dealing with stress. Identify the major barriers in your job hunt and how you can deal with them. Try to think more flexibly.

Whether you’re feeling down because your job search is stuck or you’re currently in a position that leaves you feeling drained by the time you get home, don’t let burnout stand between you and your next opportunity.

Jobvertise is the world’s largest free job and resume database. Contact us to access more than 250,000 jobs in the US, Canada and worldwide with thousands of new jobs added each week.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Evaluate Work Opportunities by Asking Your Interviewer This One Question

When you search for jobs online, you need to gather information to be able to evaluate the work opportunities that you find. Consider one of the most important questions you can ask your next boss or anyone who is interviewing you. You will learn volumes about the company culture and what they really value.

Of course, you probably go to a job interview with a written list of prepared questions. It is an important part of showing that you come prepared and finding out more about where you may be working next.

The problem is that every company is likely to say pretty much the same thing regardless of how they operate. Instead of asking if they appreciate teamwork and initiative, try to get more specific. Ask them to identify who they consider a star employee and why.

There are several advantages to this approach. If you get hired, you will know who to watch and emulate. While you are a unique individual, you can always look for ways to learn from another person and adapt their style to suit your personal strengths and skills.

It is also revealing to see how much enthusiasm goes into the description. If your potential supervisor seems hesitant to say anything favorable about the employees they already work with, that could be a cause for concern. Maybe they are largely focused on themselves and will not be very available to you. Maybe there are serious conflicts and divisions already in place.

On the other hand, if you hear a generous and insightful round of praise, you may feel reassured. It is a good sign that employees receive appropriate recognition for their efforts and that you may get the same treatment.

Search more than 250,000 jobs worldwide for free at Jobvertise. Contact us. We are the largest free job and resume database.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Search Jobs Free and Feature your Resume

There are many methods of job hunting that cost little or nothing like being able to search jobs free online. However, it may be worth the investment to pay for premium tools such as being able to feature your resume. The extra visibility can help you to land a position faster and get a better job.
When you consider using any premium service online, there are many important factors to consider.

  • Use a secure method of payment like your credit card or PayPal. Check the published statistics on the amount of traffic on the site to see how many employers are likely to see your enhanced resume.
  • Review all your options for pricing and terms. If you believe that your job search may last several months or more, you can often find a discounted price on longer plans.
  • Featuring a resume generally means that you will appear at the top of the search results. In addition, your resume may appear in bold or otherwise be formatted to help it attract more attention.

These tactics are important because there is stiff competition for jobs online. You may be competing with more than a million other jobseekers.

You have probably heard about the advantages of responding to an advertised opening quickly. When employers have to sort through hundreds or thousands of applications, they are likely to cut the process off after they identify a certain manageable number of qualified applicants.

The same phenomenon is true online, and it is even more intense. If you are looking for work in a crowded field, your resume may sometimes be overlooked unless it is seen quickly.
Jobvertise is free to jobseekers because we generate our revenue through advertising and premium services such as Featuring your Resume. Contact us to search jobs and post your resume free, or to learn more about our additional services.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Need to Find a job? Overcoming the Negative Stigma Associated with Tattoos

With the number of applicants at an all-time high, employers these days are being extremely picky as to whom they hire. If you have tattoos, finding a job can be even more difficult due to the negative stigma associated with them. Here are some tips to help you find a job that will increase your odds of being hired despite having visible tattoos.

Cover it up
Perhaps the best thing you can do during an interview is to cover your tattoo up. You only get one chance to make a good first impression, so it’s better to be safe rather than sorry. If it’s not possible to cover it with clothing, consider wearing makeup to hide it instead. When doing so, be advised that this might be something you would need to continue even after you are hired if the tattoo is especially offensive or overly distracting.

Dress Conservatively
This should be obvious during any job interview, but it’s especially important whenever you have a tattoo that cannot be covered. A clean cut hairstyle, professional clothing and limited number of piercings will help soften your image a bit, and this is important because many employers view tattoos as a sign of rebellion.

Be ready to explain
You may need to give an explanation for your tattoo, so be sure to have an answer ready. What your potential employer does not want to hear is that you got your tattoo while you were intoxicated or as part of a dare. Accept responsibility for your decision, and if it was a bad one, then say so. Even if you don’t regret getting the tattoo, the fact that you have a reasonable explanation for it shows you do put at least some thought into the decisions you make.

Focus on your qualifications
Rather than dwelling on your tattoo, aim to impress your employer with your skills and knowledge instead. He or she could just be so impressed that you’ll be offered the job despite the fact that you sport a little body art.

Most hiring managers advise against mentioning tattoos unless the interviewer brings the subject up first. Should the topic arise, handling the matter in a dignified manner can go a long way toward undoing any negative vibes an employer might have. Contact us for even more helpful job hunting tips.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Discover Work Opportunties at Job Fairs

Career fairs, also called job fairs, are an excellent way to find jobs.  Companies come to you to find employment and you go to them in hopes that you're the candidate of choice.  You spend one day to attend a place where companies gather together to fill a void in their company.  Take advantage of work opportunities provided in one location.  You'll never know where it may take you.
Job fairs bring a first impression like no resume can.  There's nothing like interacting with company representatives face-to-face and getting a feel for the company.  The same is said of companies attending.  Seeing the person with the resume or application in hand is better than just reading the resume/application.  Some companies will conduct interviews on the spot.  Polish your interview skills and dress appropriately.  Be sure to ask questions.  Employers like answering questions because it shows that you listen, you're proactive and you're thoughtful.  However, don't ask questions that are answered on the website or about money/benefits.  This hurts your first impression.

You don't want to end up in disappointment, so do your homework prior to attending.  Read up on each company attending to see what the company is about, what jobs are open and if the application can be filled out online.  Not all businesses are companies; some are non-profits, some are colleges and some are government agencies.  Still it's important to research as some companies will have what you're after.  Only go to a job fair if the application isn't online; you can fill those out at home.  If it's in PDF or Word form fill it out and hand it to them at the fair.  Otherwise polish those resumes.  Tweak it to match the job.  If one job consists of clerical and the other is marketing make two resumes for those industries.  Have plenty to hand out.  The goal isn't to meet with every company at the fair.  The goal is to chat with companies that match your interests.
Job fairs are a great way to gain job opportunities, network and meet new people.  As long as you perform due diligence it will be time well spent. Contact us for more information.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Search for Work-at-Home Job Listings

Getting up in the morning, searching for job listings online, and applying in person to businesses is only half the battle.  Job seekers must continue to find ways to seek employment.  Volunteer work, internships, apprenticeships, part-time work, full-time work, networking and temp work staffing agencies are some of those ways.  Another trick to add to your sleeve is work-at-home jobs.  Work-at-home jobs are jobs that are completed at home using a computer and/or some equipment like a phone and a headset.  The pay is decent and it will bring some income to the household.

Looking for work-at-home jobs is work.  It's not going to come at your front door.  In fact it's harder to find a legit work-at-home opportunity than a job because there are so many scammers.  Type in a career and the words "work-at-home" for results.  Companies will also hire people directly just for work at home jobs.  Another option is to go to job websites and look for your career followed by one of these three words "work-at-home," "freelance" and "telecommute."  Tons will pop up; you'll have to weed out the scammers from the legit jobs.  It won't be easy.  Some will be obvious (upfront payment, the runaround to collect payment, etc) while others are hard to pinpoint.  In that case you will have to work for them (trial and error) until cashing in your first payment to see if they are scammers.  What job seekers must do is research.  Research the company, read online reviews and trust your instincts.  Payment methods should be clear as glass; commission based, hourly, lump sum, part-time or salary.

When you're ready to apply, go for it.  Follow their instructions.  Some companies will want samples of your work; others want a resume and cover letter.  Keep track of where you applied.  Depending on the company and industry you will either get a response saying you got the job or be selected for an interview.  Interviewees need to be prepared.  Some interviews are in person or on the phone while others are online using Skype, instant messaging, email or an online interview system.

Be prepared to be flexible and patient in the work-at-home business.  Unless you work for a company that hires work-at-home employees, you are better off working for more than one company to make a decent living.  Combine a few part-time work jobs or work freelance for a better chance of finding legit work.  Patience is required because the majority of the time is spent weeding through scams.  Here are the main jobs that have work-at-home opportunities.
  • virtual assistant
  • call center rep
  • tech support
  • medical transcriptionist
  • online tutor
  • writer
  • editor
  • translator
  • web designer
  • computer programmer
  • teacher
  • travel agent
This opportunities for working at home are endless.  This is just a smidgeon of the kind of opportunities available online.  Contact us for more information on different angles to find employment.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Work Opportunities in Rural Areas

Many college graduates head for big cities like New York or Chicago after they graduate, although there may be some good reasons to consider less heavily populated regions as employment locations. For years rural areas have been losing its citizens to big cities, causing many smaller towns to decrease in population and having a severe negative impact on their economies. As a result, many rural areas are taking steps to prevent their citizens from leaving, and perhaps even attracting new inhabitants.

Kansas has recently implemented the Rural Opportunity Zones program, in which new full-time residents of the state are offered Kansas income tax waivers for a period of up to five years, providing that they live in of the 73 counties who are participating in the program. The majority of these counties are also offering student loan repayments up to $15,000.

Nebraska, which is located directly above Kansas, has also taken steps to attract more residents. The University of Nebraska has started an initiative it refers to as the Rural Sourcing Project. This undertaking outsources jobs to smaller towns throughout the state, instead of to major metropolitan areas.  The Rural Sourcing Project was inspired by an Atlanta-based software development company called Xpanxion. Over the past six years Xpanxion has created about 100 jobs in Nebraska in an effort to attract skilled workers to small towns throughout the state. This has saved Xpanxion a great deal of money on labor expenses, since workers in Nebraska do not need to be paid as much as in Atlanta or the Silicon Valley. Likewise, workers benefit from the much lower cost of living, so it is a win-win situation. Xpanxion has since established a program with the Center for Rural Research and Development at the University of Nebraska at Kearney, and with the university’s al umni association in an effort to recruit graduates. Today these programs are collectively known as the Rural Sourcing Project.

In addition to offering a lower cost of living, rural areas are also attractive because they have lower crime rates and less pollution than big cities. Many people also enjoy the charm of small towns. Large urban areas still offer many work opportunities, but job searches need not be restricted to big cities. If you need help finding a job, contact us today.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Bragging Skills Could Improve Work Opportunities for Women

Two recent studies suggest that a reluctance to brag could be holding women back when it comes to work opportunities. If you’re searching for a new job online, it may be time to improve your bragging skills.

Researchers at Montana State University confirmed the conventional wisdom that women are less comfortable than men when it comes to talking about their accomplishments. They put female students to the test by asking them to write an essay about why they deserved a merit scholarship. The group that did best was the one that was tricked into thinking there was a box in the room emitting sound waves that caused anxiety even though they couldn’t be heard. It appeared that the students blamed their discomfort on the box which freed them up to brag about themselves more effectively.

An earlier study at the University of Massachusetts reached similar conclusions. They found that women working with men were less likely to take credit for their work than women with female colleagues.

Being able to talk about your achievements is essential to landing a new job and advancing in your career. If you’re struggling with excess modesty, consider these tips:

Focus on the bottom line. Downplaying your qualifications is expensive. The typical woman still earns less over her lifetime than her male counterpart.

Build your confidence. Think of it as telling the truth rather than boasting. Assess your strengths and get feedback from people you trust.

Distract yourself. You don’t have to have an imaginary box like the experiment above. Focus on your work rather than your fears.

Talk about results. Sticking to the facts will impress an employer and reduce your stress. Take credit for cutting costs or improving quality.

Team up. You may find it easier to promote others. Network with colleagues you can say nice things about.

You’ll find more than 250,000 jobs you can search for free at Jobvertise. Contact us to learn how to energize your job search.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Remove these Posts from Social Media when Finding Jobs

Our previous post already discussed how you had to clean up your digital life before finding a job. Many potential employers now routinely look at your social media to determine if you'd make a good fir for the company. It's not enough, however, to remove questionable pictures. You must also delete the following types of posts.
  • Complaints may paint you as a troublemaker and hothead if you use social media to vent your anger against businesses, coworkers, bosses, industries or the government. If you want to warn your followers against unsavory business practices, balance the complaint with a suggestion for improvement. Potential employers will then see you as someone who likes to solve problems.
  • Political commentary. It's a free country and you're entitled to your opinion. But what happens if your employer does not share your views, or consider your opinions extreme or radical? Many bosses don't really care what you think but they may be concerned about how customers may view your commentaries, especially if you work in jobs with public contact, such as sales or customer service. Play it safe by removing any posts with a hint of politics.
  • Confidential information. If you've signed a confidentiality clause with your current or past employers, then you are legally bound not to repeat anything on social media that could violate that clause. And even if you didn't, you must not post anything that your potential employer might see as confidential, including unreleased technology, vendor contracts and discount, or profit and loss figures. Even innocent praise for a successful project can be seen as inappropriate if it discusses something that is not public knowledge. Only post information about your company that already exists online or in printed media.
You want your social media to present the best possible side of you to potential employers. For more ways to do that or if you want help in finding a job, please contact us.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Post Resumes: Get Your Name And Experience Out There

Being a job seeker is not a position most people want to be in. They would rather be a job holder. As such, it is important to get out there and nab the job. The best way to do this is to start to post resumes and see what is available out there.

It Is A Wide World Of Jobs
Even when the economy is at its worst there are still jobs available somewhere. Many are deterred simply because they believe that the economy is tough out there. The economy may indeed be tough, but doing nothing at all will not solve the problem for yourself. Instead, it is necessary for you to get your name out there.

Crafting A Strong Resume
There are many people who are going to be posting their resumes at any given time. They are in direct competition with you for the jobs you may want.

Prospective employers not only look at your resume, but how your resume is presented. You need to make sure your resume is pleasing to the eye as well as contains good content.

You want your resume to stand out from the rest that are available to any given employer. This means proofreading it and making sure that it looks better than the standard resume.

Never Stop Trying
Just submitting a resume to the one job that you would really like to have is not effective enough. You should apply for that job, but you should also apply for others as well. You never know which one might decide to give you a call. If you stop at the first one, then you may be waiting around for a very long time.

Contact us for more tips on how to get your resume in order and how to land a job.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Mastering Boolean Logic Basics When You Search Jobs Free

While you search jobs free, it pays to be sure that you have mastered the basics of Boolean search logic. If you’re like most job seekers, you have been searching the Internet regularly for years, but there may still be opportunities to save time and get better search results.

Boolean logic is just the technical term for the system that operates automatically when you search for something online. The principle things to keep in mind are the operator words that serve as instructions. When you enter keywords with no further instructions, your search results will typically be the same as if you typed “OR” between the keywords. The other main options are “AND” to get results that contain all the keywords or “NOT” to exclude specific words. You can also use “NEAR” if you only want to see results where the keywords are close to each other.

Wildcards like “*” allow you to get multiple variations of a keyword. Parentheses are helpful for complicated searches where you want to prioritize certain keywords. Quotations around keywords limit the results to those exact words in that exact order.

You should also keep in mind that there may be individual differences in how searches operate on different sites. For example, LinkedIn does not currently support a wildcard option. You may also find that it’s easier to conduct multiple searches than to try to write a complex formula to cover all scenarios.

All of these factors matter because they can make your job search more efficient and effective. For example, entering “pediatric nurse” will eliminate your having to search through openings in gerontology. Entering “nurs*” may help you to find all listings in one click for nurse, nursing and other variations.

Contact us to create an account for free. Jobvertise lets you post your resume free and search thousands of job listings in the US, Canada and worldwide. We typically add almost 50,000 new jobs a week.

Friday, January 24, 2014

4 Good Reasons to List Online Courses When You Post Your Resume Free

When you post your resume for free, you want to include everything that may catch the eye of a potential employer. Today, that may include online courses. Perceptions are rapidly changing about the value of MOOCs (massive open online courses) and similar offerings.

Naturally, a degree that is received on campus still carries more credibility than one that was pursued entirely through the internet. However, online courses are becoming more highly regarded as a form of continuing adult education. In fact, as a growing number of companies launch their own educational and training initiatives online, they tend to adopt a more positive outlook on the whole issue.

If you’re in the market for a new job, these are 4 advantages and opportunities for highlighting online courses in your resume and social media profiles:

Enhance your keywords. Keywords are critical to getting spotted in an online search. Your resume may rise to the top if the course titles correspond with the position you’re seeking. It’s also beneficial if the classes were associated with a prestigious university or other institution.

Express your motivation. Initiative is a valuable quality for most positions. Many employers will take a favorable view of the fact that you use your leisure time to advance your knowledge and skills.

Demonstrate perseverance. Online courses have an extremely high dropout rate. A savvy human resources professional will note that any candidate who completes a course is probably above average in their abilities to manage their time and work toward goals.

Focus on your portfolio. While educational requirements are highly significant, the main criteria for many employers is your track record and potential for making a contribution quickly. Make sure you also give adequate time to presenting samples of your work.

Contact us to energize your job search. Jobvertise is the world’s largest free job and resume database.